Sunday, December 5, 2010

Scotts expansion in the works - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
A resolution is moving through Marysville City Councik that would provide fora 10-year, 75 percentg property tax abatement valued at about $1 million for Scotts, one of Centrapl Ohio’s 50 largest employers and amongh its 10 largest publicd companies. Scotts is lookinvg to mount a $23 million project to build a 40,000-square-foot manufacturing facility that will retain 15 jobs and creat33 full-time and 39 part-timr positions, Marysville Administrator Jillian Froment The new plant would process coir, the outer husk of coconutas that’s used in Scotts’ EZ Seed “(The product) has seen successz and they can’t keep it on she said.
The proposed new manufacturingh jobs, Froment said, would generate an annualk payroll ofabout $3 million in the home to more than 1,000 Scottd employees. Scotts also has committed to find permanent spacr for 150 employees it has temporarily housec in portable school buildingas atits headquarters, Froment That will mean a new 20,000-square-foot cost details for which weren’rt available. “This is ensuring 150 jobs remain in Marysville instead of anothetr CentralOhio community,” Froment said. A Scottsx representative wasn’t immediately available for commentFriday afternoon.
Council clearex a first read of the proposed incentivw and could finalize the proposal as early asJuly 23, Fromentf said. A public hearing on the company’sz plans is set for July 9. Scotts (NYSE:SMG) in the year endec Sept. 30, 2008, lost $10.9 million on $2.98 billionb in revenue. The company has about 6,400 full-timer workers worldwide.

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